
What these reports tell you 

These reports explain the methods we are using to produce our latest research outputs. 

Dynamic population model, improvements to data sources and methodology for local authorities, England and Wales: 2021 to 2022
Methodology | Released 27 June 2023
This report provides an update on the data and methodology used by the dynamic population model (DPM) to produce admin-based population estimates (ABPE). Experimental Statistics. 

Refugee integration outcomes data-linkage pilot: Census 2021 linkage methodology update
Methodology | 27 June 2023
This report describes the methods used to link Vulnerable Person and Vulnerable Children's Resettlement Scheme data to Census 2021 in a collaborative study by the Office for National Statistics and the Home Office. 

Estimation of travel to work matrices
Methodology | 23 June 2023
This blog discusses how the Data Science Campus has produced an alternative estimate of the travel to work matrices to bridge the data gap between census years.

Estimating population by time of day
Methodology working paper | Released 30 May 2023
A case study into producing daytime population statistics for 14 local authorities using an experimental method. 

Population and migration estimates - exploring alternative definitions
Methodology | Released 25 May 2023
This article explores new ways of estimating migration and the population to enhance our existing statistics and seeking feedback on which alternative definitions are important for users of population and migration statistics. 

Methods to produce provisional long-term international migration estimates
Methodology | Last revised 25 May 2023
An explanation of the methods used to produce the latest provisional experimental statistics on migration flows into and out of the UK. 

Dynamic population model, improvements to data sources and methodology for local authorities, England and Wales: 2011 to 2022
Methodology | Last revised 28 February 2023
Developments of methods and data used in the dynamic population model. 

The Census 2021 Data Asset longitudinal data source for population in England and Wales: design and plans
Methodology | Last revised 27 January 2023
Exploring the feasibility of maintaining an anonymised person-level longitudinal data source based on Census 2021. 

Population statistics and sources guide
Methodology | Last revised 25 January 2023
A comparison of the different types of population estimate that are planned for or are published in 2022 and early 2023. Includes information about whether these are official estimates of the population or used only for wider research, as well as the sources, coverage and main uses and comparability issues for the estimate. 

Admin-based income statistics QMI
Methodology | Last revised 20 December 2022
Quality and Methodology Information (QMI) for admin-based income statistics in England and Wales, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and the data uses and users.  

Dynamic population model for England and Wales: July 2022
Article | Released 14 July 2022
The development of new methods to produce near real-time estimates of the population size, using a dynamic population model. 

Refugee Integration Outcomes Cohort Study (RIO)
Methodology | Last revised 15 June 2022
Methods used to link refugee data to various administrative data in a pilot study led by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Home Office. 

Producing admin-based ethnicity statistics for England: changes to data and methods
Article | Released 23 May 2022
An overview of the latest method used for the admin-based ethnicity statistics research, and an explanation of the development of the data sources and method over time.

How our methodology is reviewed

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) also submits evidence to an external Methodological Assurance Review Panel (MARP).  

The purpose of the review panel is to: 

  • provide external, independent assurance and guidance on the statistical methodology underpinning Census 2021 estimates and those based on administrative sources 

  • identify significant gaps and risks in methods and make suggestions for mitigation 

  • review admin data methods and contribute to their continuous improvement 

The following reports detail significant method proposals to progress our journey towards a transformed population and migration statistics system. They were submitted to MARP and are published on the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA) website. 

Dynamic Population Model progress report and technical paper (PDF, 1,343KB)
Released 10 February 2023

Methods for producing multivariate population statistics using administrative and survey sources (PDF, 353KB)
Released November 2022 

Statistical Population Datasets version 4: Research to date and future developments
Released October 2022 

Statistical Population Datasets Estimation Options (PDF, 1,271KB)
Released September 2022

Producing admin-based property floor area statistics for England and Wales: methods, data and quality (PDF, 1,090KB)
Released 19 August 2022 

We have published the ONS working paper series which includes articles about ONS methodological research work that is still in progress or work that has been completed.  

Quality strategy 

What this report tells you 

The Population and migration statistics transformation in England and Wales, a quality strategy report provides information about the quality strategy underpinning the future population and migration statistics system, including details about how quality is being assessed and managed.

You can also read our progress updates and Consultation publications and updates.