
Disability, England and Wales: Census 2021
What's in the bulletin?
- Age-standardised proportions (ASPs) are used throughout this bulletin, with the exception of the data on the number of disabled people within a household; ASPs allow for comparison between populations over time and across geographies, as they account for differences in the population size and age structure.
- In England, in 2021, a smaller proportion but larger number of people were disabled (17.7%, 9.8 million), compared with 2011 (19.3%, 9.4 million).
- In Wales, in 2021, a smaller proportion and a smaller number of people were disabled (21.1%, 670,000), compared with 2011 (23.4%, 696,000).

How health has changed in your local area: 2015 to 2020
Use our interactive tool to explore how health changed in each local authority area across England between 2015 and 2020, according to the Health Index.
How does home ownership, health and more differ across society?
Try this Census quiz to explore what life looked like in 2021 for different people in England and Wales, including home ownership, health, education, and work.
Datasets related to Health and well-being
Coronavirus and the social impacts on different ethnic groups in the UK
Estimates from the Understanding Society: COVID-19 Study, 2020, UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) and Wealth and Assets Survey (WAS) to explore the social impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on people from different ethnic groups in the UK.
Suicides in UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales
UK armed forces veteran suicide statistics in England and Wales. Including method of suicide, cause of death and suicide rate in male veterans. Annual data. These are official statistics in development.
Publications related to Health and well-being
Statistical bulletins
Disability, England and Wales: Census 2021
Information on disability in England and Wales, Census 2021 data.
General health, England and Wales: Census 2021
People's health across local authorities in England and Wales, Census 2021 data.
Unpaid care, England and Wales: Census 2021
The number of usual residents aged 5 years and over who provide unpaid care, and how many hours they provide in a typical week, Census 2021 data.
Personal well-being in the UK: April 2022 to March 2023
Estimates of life satisfaction, worthwhile, happiness, and anxiety, by select geographies including local authority level and individual characteristics and circumstances.
Individual and community well-being, Great Britain: October 2022
What matters most for the well-being of individuals and communities in Great Britain. Based on the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey from 12 to 23 October 2022.
Suicides in UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales: 2021
Suicide rates among UK armed forces veterans, based on death registration records linked to Census 2021 and the Ministry of Defence (MOD) Service Leavers Database (SLD). These are official statistics in development.
NHS70: Marking 70 years of the National Health Service
The National Health Service was launched seven decades ago with lofty ambitions to look after people "from the cradle to the grave". What's changed in the last 70 years?
Middle-aged generation most likely to die by suicide and drug poisoning
Now in their 40s and 50s, the so-called Generation X are dying in greater numbers by suicide or drug poisoning than any other age group.
More than one in four sandwich carers report symptoms of mental ill-health
Sandwich carers – those who care for both sick, disabled or older relatives and dependent children – are more likely to report symptoms of mental ill-health, feel less satisfied with life, and struggle financially compared with the general population.
Measures of National Well-being Dashboard: Quality of Life in the UK
Bringing together the latest national well-being data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and other sources to give an overview of how the UK is doing across the 10 areas of life that the UK public told us matter most.
Coronavirus and the social impacts on different ethnic groups in the UK
Estimates from the Understanding Society: COVID-19 Study, 2020, UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) and Wealth and Assets Survey (WAS) to explore the social impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on people from different ethnic groups in the UK.
Middle-aged generation most likely to die by suicide and drug poisoning
Now in their 40s and 50s, the so-called Generation X are dying in greater numbers by suicide or drug poisoning than any other age group.