7 methodology , sorted by release date
Estimates of the very old, including centenarians, QMI
Quality and Methodology Information report for annual mid-year population estimates for the very old, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.Keywords: Ageing, centenarians, older people, population
Living longer: is age 70 the new age 65? Methodology guide
A guide to the data sources, method and analyses used in the related living longer article, including a discussion on limitations of the data.Keywords: ageing, older people, population, prospective age, health
Comparing methods of producing estimates of those aged 90 and over by single year of age and sex, England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the UK
Comparison of methods used to produce population estimates for people aged 90 years and over by the Office for National Statistics, the National Records of Scotland and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency.Keywords: ageing, older people, population, population estimates, centenarian
Accuracy of official high-age population estimates, in England and Wales: an evaluation
Assesses the quality of the component input data for official mid-year population estimates for ages 80 and over (deaths registrations; census estimates; and migration estimates). The method used to distribute the official age 90 and over mid-year estimate to single years of age above age 90 (the Kannisto-Thatcher method) is also assessed.Keywords: 90+, centenarians, kt method
Feasibility of producing ‘Estimates of the very old’ for England and for Wales separately
This report examines the feasibility of producing population estimates of the very old (EVOs) for England and Wales separately using the Kannisto-Thatcher method.Keywords: centenarians, 90+, 90 and over
Research on accuracy of high age estimates – update
Population estimates of the very old (including Centenarians) QMI
Annual mid-year population estimates for those aged 90 and over by sex and single year of age (90 to 104)Keywords: ageing,older people,OAP,population,over 90,over 100