All data related to Labour productivity, UK: January to March 2015

  • Labour productivity time series

    Dataset | Dataset ID: PRDY | Released on 15 August 2024

    Quarterly output per hour, output per job and output per worker for the whole UK economy and a range of industries.

    Keywords: Output per hour, Output per job, Output per worker, Unit labour costs

  • Labour productivity: revisions triangles

    Dataset | Dataset ID: LPRODREV | Released on 7 October 2021

    Revisions triangles for the main labour productivity variables.

    Keywords: unit labour costs, unit wage costs

  • Labour productivity: Tables 1 to 8 and R1

    Dataset | Dataset ID: LPROD01 | Released on 11 January 2022

    Quarterly output per hour, output per job and output per worker for the whole UK economy and a range of industries.

    Keywords: productivity, jobs, hours, workers

  • Productivity jobs, productivity hours, market sector workers, market sector hours

    Dataset | Dataset ID: LPROD02 | Released on 11 January 2022

    Underlying labour inputs behind the labour productivity estimates by industry and industrial sector as defined by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), UK.
  • Sectional unit labour costs

    Dataset | Dataset ID: LPRODSULC | Released on 7 April 2020

    Sectional unit labour costs and revisions from previously published estimates, UK.