All data related to Public sector finances, UK: February 2021
How the relationship between UK public sector monthly income and expenditure leads to changes in deficit and debt.
This dataset presents our provisional estimates of the effect of expected changes on our headline public sector measures
These tables include information on government contingent liabilities and other potential liabilities.
Presents our latest estimates of PSNB (and further into current budget deficit and net investment spending), net debt and net financial liabilities with the impacts of changes to the accounting for student loans, public sector pensions and capital consumption introduced in September 2019.
Presents the balance sheet, statement of operations and statement of other economic flows for the public sector, compliant with the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014: GFSM 2014 presentation.
Large events that affect current public sector net borrowing excluding public sector banks (PSNB ex), and public sector net debt excluding public sector banks (PSND ex) from the period May 2000 onwards. Impacts are shown for the components of public sector net borrowing, net cash requirement and net debt.
A breakdown of UK public sector income by latest month, financial year-to-date and full financial year, with comparisons with the same period in the previous financial year.
Presents the aggregate Public sector debt interest to revenue ratio (interest paid by the public sector (excluding public sector banks) less the property income received), for the financial years ending March 1947 to March 2019.
Public sector finances analytical tables (PSAT) showing transactions related to borrowing by sub-sector. Total Managed Expenditure (TME) is also provided.
Revisions analysis for central government receipts, expenditure, net borrowing and net cash requirement statistics for the UK over the last five years.
The data underlying the public sector finances statistical bulletin are presented in the tables PSA 1 to 10.