Release date: 25 August 2004
The Census 2001: Supplementary files and corrections CDs contain some tables not previosuly available in some earlier releases, in addition to corrections to errors in all Census 2001 products identified up to August 2004. The CDs make it easy to ensure users of releases have the full and correct set of tables for any of the standard products.
Separate CDs are provided for tables in SuperTABLE and CSV format.
Media, availability and cost:
CDs containing data in SuperTABLE or CSV format on request free from Census Customer Services.
Product notes
An Excel file listing the contents of the SuperTABLE CD and one listing the contents of the CSV CD are available to download.
The SuperTABLE CD contains a version of the SuperTABLE software that is enhanced from that contained in initial product releases to include a 'search for area' facility.
Supporting information
The following information supporting this Census product is available:
errata, errors and corrections identified since the product release
outline versions of all Census tables
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Related downloads
- SuperTable CD Contents (32.3 kB xls)
- CSV CD Contents (39.9 kB xls)