14 methodology , sorted by release date
Business demography QMI
Quality and methodology information for UK business demography, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.Keywords: business births, business deaths, activities, survivals, employer, region
Multiple business registrations at a single postcode, UK: 2022
Business demography explainer covering additional information on the impact of multiple registrations at a single postcode.Keywords: multiple, business, registrations, postcode
UK business; activity, size and location QMI
Provides data strengths and limitations, comparisons with related data, data quality characteristics, data users and uses, methods, and accessibilityKeywords: UK businesses broken down by legal status, industry, region, employment and turnover size bands
Investigating the accuracy of Standard Industrial Classification using BRES
Examining differences between Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) on the Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR) and in the results of the Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) in 2021.Keywords: economy, responders, reporting unit, mismatch
Multiple business registrations at a single postcode, UK: 2021
Business demography explainer covering additional information on the impact of multiple registrations at a single postcode.Keywords: multiple registrations, business births, business deaths, business survivals
Inter-Departmental Business Register data matching user guide
Guide to the data matching services provided by the Inter-Departmental Business Register team at the Office for National Statistics (ONS).Keywords: IDBR, data match, IRR, Companies House, name match
Multiple business registrations at a single postcode: 2020
Business demography explainer covering additional information on the impact of multiple registrations at a single postcode.Keywords: business demography, business births, business deaths, business survivals
Multiple business registrations at a single postcode: 2019
Business demography explainer covering additional information on the impact of multiple registrations at a single postcode.Keywords: business demography, multiple registrations, business births, business survivals
Multiple business registrations at a single postcode: 2018
Business demography explainer covering additional information on the impact of multiple registrations at a single postcode.Keywords: business demography, multiple registrations, business births, business survivals
Multiple registrations at a single postcode: 2017
Paper covering additional information on the impact of multiple registrations on a single postcode.Keywords: business births, deaths, survival rates