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AWE: Whole Economy Level (£): Seasonally Adjusted Bonus
AWE: Other Manufacturing: Employment Weight
LFS: Econ. inactivity rate: Aged 18-24: In full-time educ.: UK: Male: %: SA
Male employment rate (aged 16 to 64, seasonally adjusted): %
LFS Experimental: Employment rate: UK: All: Aged 16-64 (%): SA
LFS: Employment: UK: Women: Aged 25-54: %: NSA
LFS: Unemployed up to 6 months: UK: All: Aged 16-17: Thousands: SA
LFS: Unemployed over 12 months: UK: Female: Aged 50 and over: Thousands: SA
LFS: Unemployed over 12 months: UK: Female: Aged 18-24: Thousands: SA
LFS: Employment: Cat U ISIC Rev. 4: UK: People: Aged 15 and over: Thousands: NSA