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LFS: Usual weekly hrs of work: In employment: Over 45 hrs: UK: Male: 000s: SA
AWE: Real Estate Activities Level (£): Non Seasonally Adjusted Arrears
LFS: In employment: UK: Male: Aged 16-64: Thousands: NSA
Labour disputes; number of stoppages in progress; public sector
LFS: Economic Activity: UK: Men: Aged 15-74: Thousands: NSA
LFS: Economic Activity: UK: Women: Aged 15-24: %: NSA
LFS: Usual weekly hrs of work: Employees: Over 45 hrs: UK: Female: 000s: SA
LFS: ILO redundancy rate: UK: Women: SA
AWE: Basic Metals & Metal Products Level (£): Non Seasonally Adjusted Arrears
LFS: Econ inactive: Wants a Job: Other: UK: Male: %: SA