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Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
Total Trade less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW (TTlessPM): Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
IoS: 68.3: Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis: Period on Period Growth
Trade in Goods: Meat & meat preparations (01): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
Trade in Goods: Venezuela: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
Education (Index 1dp) :CVM SA
Real estate activities (period on period contribution) :CVM SA