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  • Deaths of care home residents, England and Wales

    Released on: 08 November 2023 | Statistical bulletin

    Registered deaths of care home residents by underlying and leading cause of death. Deaths of residents by age, sex, and area of usual residence. Experimental Statistics.

  • Deaths of care home residents, England and Wales

    Released on: 22 November 2022 | Statistical bulletin

    Registered deaths of care home residents by underlying and leading cause of death. Deaths of residents by age, sex, and area of usual residence. Experimental Statistics.

  • Home ownership and unpaid care, England and Wales, 2011

    Released on: 24 August 2022 | Statistical bulletin

    Logistic regression models investigating the relationship between unpaid carer status, hours of unpaid care provided per week and home ownership, using 2011 Census data.

  • Effects of working from home on finances

    Released on: 14 February 2022 | Dataset

    Analysis of how working from home has affected individuals’ spending and how this differs by characteristics, Great Britain.

  • Home and hybrid working, Great Britain

    Released on: 23 May 2022 | Dataset

    Data on working patterns and location of work of adults in Great Britain, including costs and benefits of homeworking and future expectations. Survey data from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN).

  • Deaths of care home residents, England and Wales

    Released on: 08 November 2023 | Dataset

    Registered deaths of care home residents by underlying cause of death and the leading causes of death. Contains death registrations of care home residents by age, sex and area of usual residence.

  • Homeworking in the UK, work from home status

    Released on: 19 April 2021 | Dataset

    Experimental estimates from the Annual Population Survey for homeworking in the UK, including breakdowns by sex, full-time or part-time, ethnicity, occupation, industry, qualifications, hours worked, pay and sickness absence among others. Includes regression outputs on the different outcomes for homeworkers.

  • Sexual offending: Home Office appendix tables

    Released on: 13 December 2018 | Dataset

    Police recorded sexual offences data for England and Wales. Also includes data on arrests, cancelled crimes, crime outcomes and rape incidents.

  • Home ownership and unpaid care, England and Wales, 2011

    Released on: 24 August 2022 | Dataset

    Logistic regression models investigating the relationship between unpaid carer status, hours of unpaid care provided per week and home ownership, using 2011 Census data.

  • Care home resident population, England and Wales: Census 2021

    Released on: 08 November 2023 | Dataset

    Care home resident population in England and Wales using Census 2021 data.