Released on: 12 December 2024
Statistical bulletin
The number of years people are expected to spend in “good” general health in England and Wales.
Released on: 25 September 2019
Statistical bulletin
Trends in the average number of years people will live beyond their current age measured by period life expectancy, analysed by age and sex for the UK and its constituent countries.
Released on: 27 September 2017
Statistical bulletin
Trends in the average number of years people will live beyond their current age measured by period life expectancy, analysed by age and sex for the UK and its constituent countries.
Released on: 25 September 2014
Statistical bulletin
Trends in the average number of years people will live beyond their current age measured by period life expectancy, analysed by age and sex for the UK and its constituent countries.
Released on: 21 March 2014
Statistical bulletin
Trends in the average number of years people will live beyond their current age measured by period life expectancy, analysed by age and sex for the UK and its constituent countries.
Released on: 12 January 2022
Statistical bulletin
Life expectancy (eₓ), probability of dying (qₓ) and number of persons surviving (lₓ) from the period and cohort life tables, using past and projected mortality data from the 2020-based interim national population projections (NPPs), for the UK and constituent countries.
Released on: 25 January 2021
Statistical bulletin
The number of years people are expected to spend in different health states among local authority areas in the UK.
Released on: 11 December 2019
Statistical bulletin
The number of years people are expected to spend in different health states among local authority areas in the UK.
Released on: 07 December 2017
Statistical bulletin
Variations in the number of years people are expected to spend in different health states among local areas in the UK.
Released on: 04 December 2024
Statistical bulletin
Subnational trends in the average number of years people will live beyond their current age measured by “period life expectancy”.