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  • Public sector employment time series

    Released on: 11 June 2024 | Dataset

    Seasonally adjusted and non-seasonally adjusted quarterly time series of UK public sector employment, containing the latest estimates.

  • Unexplained deaths in infancy, England and Wales

    Released on: 08 September 2022 | Statistical bulletin

    Annual data on sudden infant deaths in England and Wales and infant deaths for which the cause remained unascertained after a full investigation, with associated risk factors.

  • Unexplained deaths in infancy, England and Wales

    Released on: 19 August 2019 | Statistical bulletin

    Annual data on sudden infant deaths in England and Wales and infant deaths for which the cause remained unascertained after a full investigation, with associated risk factors.

  • Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings

    Released on: 26 October 2016 | Statistical bulletin

    Data on levels, distribution and make-up of earnings and hours worked for UK employees by sex and full-time or part-time status in all industries and occupations.

  • Employees in the UK by region

    Released on: 13 October 2022 | Statistical bulletin

    Number of employees in the UK, full time and part time, by country and English region, including some local authority districts, from the Business Register and Employment Survey.

  • Employees in the UK by region

    Released on: 09 November 2021 | Statistical bulletin

    Number of employees in the UK, full-time and part-time, by country and English region, including some local authority districts, from the Business Register and Employment Survey.

  • National Survey of Bereaved People (VOICES) Clinical Commissioning Group

    Released on: 09 July 2015 | Dataset

    Full results for the VOICES suvey, by Clinical Commissioning Group.

  • Jobs paid below minimum wage by category

    Released on: 01 November 2023 | Dataset

    Number of UK jobs paid below minimum wage by sex, age, occupation and industry, and region, annual estimates, 1998 to 2023. Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings.

  • Education, England and Wales

    Released on: 10 January 2023 | Statistical bulletin

    Usual residents aged 16 years and over who have academic, vocational, or professional qualifications, as well as the number of schoolchildren and full-time students, Census 2021 data.

  • HI04 Regional labour market: headline indicators for the East Midlands

    Released on: 18 July 2024 | Dataset

    Labour market indicators for the East Midlands, including employment, unemployment, economic inactivity, workers' hours, jobs and Claimant Count, English regions, rolling three-monthly figures published monthly.