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Not all census content has been released. Check for upcoming releases in the release calendar. Alternatively, you can create a custom dataset.

  • Average household income, UK

    Released on: 22 July 2020 | Statistical bulletin

    Provisional estimates of median and mean disposable income for people in the UK for the financial year ending 2020.

  • Average household income, UK

    Released on: 26 July 2019 | Statistical bulletin

    Provisional estimates of median and mean disposable income for people in the UK for the financial year ending 2019.

  • Average household income, UK

    Released on: 28 March 2022 | Statistical bulletin

    Final estimates of average household income in the UK, with analysis of how these measures have changed over time, accounting for inflation and household composition.

  • Average household income, UK

    Released on: 26 February 2019 | Statistical bulletin

    Final estimates of average household income in the UK, with analysis of how these measures have changed over time, accounting for inflation and household composition.

  • Average household income, UK

    Released on: 25 January 2023 | Statistical bulletin

    Final estimates of average household income in the UK, with analysis of how these measures have changed over time, accounting for inflation and household composition.

  • Average household income, UK

    Released on: 21 January 2021 | Statistical bulletin

    Final estimates of average household income in the UK, with analysis of how these measures have changed over time, accounting for inflation and household composition.

  • Average household income, UK

    Released on: 05 March 2020 | Statistical bulletin

    Estimates of median and mean disposable income for people in the UK for the financial year ending 2019.

  • Average Incomes, Taxes and Benefits by Decile Groups of ALL Households

    Released on: 29 June 2015 | Dataset

    Main tables from The Effects of Taxes and Benefits on Household Income publication for 1977 onwards

  • Average Incomes, Taxes and Benefits by Decile Groups of RETIRED Households

    Released on: 29 June 2015 | Dataset

    Main tables from The Effects of Taxes and Benefits on Household Income publication for 1977 onwards.

  • Average Incomes, Taxes and Benefits by Quintile Groups of RETIRED Households

    Released on: 29 June 2015 | Dataset

    Main tables from The Effects of Taxes and Benefits on Household Income publication for 1977 onwards.