Released on: 27 May 2021
Statistical bulletin
A summary of the latest official short-term international migration (STIM) statistics for England and Wales for the year ending June 2019 published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Released on: 24 May 2018
Released on: 24 May 2019
Short-term immigration to regional/unitary government areas. Estimates from the International Passenger Survey, annual table.
Released on: 24 May 2019
Age and sex of short-term migrants. Inflow and Outflow. Estimates from the International Passenger Survey, annual table.
Released on: 24 May 2019
Top 10 countries of last or next residence for short-term migrants. Inflow, Outflow and Residency. Estimates from the International Passenger Survey, annual table.
Released on: 24 May 2019
Nationality of short-term migrants by the primary purpose of their visit. Residency. Estimates from the International Passenger Survey, annual table.
Released on: 24 May 2019
Nationality of short-term migrants by the primary purpose of their visit. Length of stay. Estimates from the International Passenger Survey, annual table.
Released on: 27 May 2021
Nationality of short-term migrants by the primary purpose of their visit. Inflow and Outflow. Estimates from the International Passenger Survey, annual table.
Released on: 24 May 2019
Age and sex of short-term migrants. Residency. Estimates from the International Passenger Survey, annual table.
Released on: 24 May 2019
Age and sex of short-term migrants. Length of stay. Estimates from the International Passenger Survey, annual table.