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  • Preliminary UK national balance sheet estimates

    Released on: 13 June 2024 | Dataset

    Annual estimates of the market value of financial and non-financial assets for the UK, providing a measure of the nation's wealth.

  • GDP, East Midlands

    Released on: 07 February 2020 | Statistical bulletin

    Quarterly economic activity for the East Midlands including the construction, production and services industrial sectors.

  • GDP, East Midlands

    Released on: 30 October 2019 | Statistical bulletin

    Quarterly economic activity for the East Midlands including the construction, production and services industrial sectors.

  • GDP, North West

    Released on: 30 October 2019 | Statistical bulletin

    Quarterly economic activity for the North West including the construction, production and services industrial sectors.

  • GDP, South East

    Released on: 07 February 2020 | Statistical bulletin

    Quarterly economic activity for the South East including the construction, production and services industrial sectors.

  • GDP, London

    Released on: 07 February 2020 | Statistical bulletin

    Quarterly economic activity for London including the construction, production and services industrial sectors.

  • GDP, Wales

    Released on: 07 February 2020 | Statistical bulletin

    Quarterly economic activity for Wales including the construction, production and services industrial sectors.

  • GDP, London

    Released on: 30 October 2019 | Statistical bulletin

    Quarterly economic activity for London including the construction, production and services industrial sectors.

  • GDP, West Midlands

    Released on: 30 October 2019 | Statistical bulletin

    Quarterly economic activity for the West Midlands including the construction, production and services industrial sectors.

  • GDP, Wales

    Released on: 30 October 2019 | Statistical bulletin

    Quarterly economic activity for Wales including the construction, production and services industrial sectors.