Methodology note on the possible order effect on responses to questions on anti-social behaviour from changes in the Crime Survey for England and Wales questionnaire - Appendix tables
Appendix tables to accompany the methodology note that presents findings from analysis to investigate whether increases in anti social behaviour (ASB) are a result of an order effect caused by changes to the survey instrument or are indicative of a genuine rise in these experiences.
Personal crime prevalence (CSEW open data table)
Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) estimates, by each combination of offence group, age, sex, and important demographic characteristics.
Crime in England and Wales: Quarterly data tables
Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) and Home Office police recorded crime data, by quarterly time periods.
Perceptions criminal justice system (CSEW open data table)
Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) estimates, by each combination of offence group, age, sex, and important demographic or household characteristics.
Crime in England and Wales: Police Force Area data tables
Police recorded crime figures by Police Force Area and Community Safety Partnership areas (which equate in the majority of instances, to local authorities).
Perceptions other (CSEW open data table)
Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) estimates, by each combination of offence group, age, sex, and important demographic or household characteristics.
Household crime prevalence (CSEW open data table)
Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) estimates, broken down by each combination of offence group, age, sex, and important household characteristics.
Personal crime incidence (CSEW open data table)
Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) estimates, by each combination of offence group, age, sex, and important demographic characteristics.
Crime in England and Wales: Appendix tables
Trends in Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) crime and Home Office police recorded crime for England and Wales, by offence type. Also includes more detailed data on crime such as violence, fraud and anti-social behaviour.
Recorded crime data by Community Safety Partnership area
Recorded crime figures for CSP areas. Number of offences for the last two years, percentage change, and rates per 1,000 population for the latest year.
Crime in England and Wales: Other related tables
Firearms, knife- and sharp-instrument offences, offences involving a corrosive substance, hospital admissions for assault with sharp objects, fraud, offences flagged as domestic abuse-related, corruption, anti-social behaviour, perceptions, and non-notifiable incidents.
Household crime incidence (CSEW open data table)
Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) estimates, broken down by each combination of offence group, age, sex, and important household characteristics.