
18 October 2018

Contains estimates of direct import intensity. For total import intensity based on latest data and updated methodology, please use the estimates provided here for CPIH and CPI. The methodology was updated based on analysis presented in the January 2018 Economic Review.

  • Official Statistics logo
  • Release date:
    15 August 2017
  • Next release:
    To be announced

About this Dataset

Estimated percentage of final household consumption that is directly due to imports, for each classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP) class in the UK.

Edition in this dataset

CPIH import penetration rates edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

CPI import penetration rates edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Important notes and usage information

Each classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP) class is grouped by the estimated “import intensity” of final household consumption. “Import intensity” refers to the percentage of final household consumption that is directly due to imports. This does not include the effect of goods that are imported and then used as inputs for goods produced domestically. As imports data are provided on a classification of products by activity (CPA) basis, which is not directly comparable to the COICOP classification, these estimates should be seen as indicative.

Contact details for this dataset

Kathryn Keane
+44 (0)1633 651552