
08 October 2021

As part of Blue Book 2021, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) faced some challenges in reconciling the industry-level gross value added (GVA) quarterly trends to the new annual data. This is particularly pronounced in the production industries. See information in the gross domestic product (GDP) low level aggregates dataset for more information. This has resulted in some volatility in the back series of our productivity estimates for some industries.

  • Official Statistics logo
  • Release date:
    07 October 2021
  • Next release:
    14 January 2022
  • Dataset ID:

About this Dataset

Revisions triangles for the main labour productivity variables.

Edition in this dataset

Current edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Important notes and usage information

On 5 July the content of the current dataset changed. Some series will be presented in other releases such as the unit labour cost release. Please find information in the Improving the presentation of the labour productivity release: July 2019 article

Contact details for this dataset

Stuart Mackenzie
+44 1633 455086