You asked

Please could you supply the following information as to the Population of England from the 2011 Census and the countries of birth of that population in percentage terms:

Population of England - 2011 Census
Born in England?
Born in Wales?
Born in Scotland?
Born in Northern Ireland?
Born in UK not otherwise specified above?
Born in the Republic of Ireland?
Born in other EU countries?
Born in other countries?

We said

Thank you for your request.

You made a freedom of information request for information from the 2011 Census relating to the population of England and the countries of birth of that population.

The Office for National Statistics has published a table that should fully satisfy your requirement: KS204EW - Country of birth. It is available from the NOMIS website at:

Please use the 'Query data' button to allow you to refine your search (e.g. percent, geography=England, country of birth). For your convenience we have provided a copy of the table in the associated downloads.

If you need further assistance or have any further census-related questions, feel free to contact Census Customer Services directly:

Email: <>
Tel: +44 (0)1329 444972
Census Customer Services, ONS, Titchfield, Fareham, Hants, PO15 5RR