33 methodology , sorted by release date
Understanding mid-year admin-based population estimates for local authorities in England and Wales
This methodology brings together important information about our mid-year admin-based population estimates (ABPEs) for England and Wales.Keywords: population stocks, migration, ABPE, DPM, administrative data
Mid-year admin-based population estimates for England and Wales QMI
Quality and Methodology Information for mid-year admin-based population estimates (ABPEs) for England and Wales, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.Keywords: Dynamic population model, migration, ABPE, DPM, admin-based
Understanding international migration statistics
This article brings together important information to inform users and explain any misunderstandings around our migration statistics.Keywords: migration estimates, migration data, migrant, emigration, refugee
Provisional long-term international migration estimates: technical user guide
A comprehensive guide providing methodological information used to produce our provisional long-term international migration estimates.Keywords: EU migrants, non-EU migrants, asylum, refugees, British nationals
Methods to produce provisional long-term international migration estimates
An explanation of the methods used to produce the latest provisional statistics on migration flows into and out of the UK.Keywords: methods, experimental, provisional, international, migration
Long-term international migration: quality assuring administrative data
Administrative data sources and quality assurance in the production of admin-based long-term international migration estimates published in bi-annual releases.Keywords: admin data, quality assure, migrant, overseas, LTIM
Dynamic population model, improvements to data sources and methodology for local authorities, England and Wales: 2021 to 2022
Update on the data and methodology used by the dynamic population model (DPM) to produce admin-based population estimates (ABPE). Experimental Statistics.Keywords: methods, migration, admin, DPM, ABPE
Population and migration statistics transformation in England and Wales, technical topic guide: 2023
Supplementary information on research using administrative data for the future of population and migration statistics.Keywords: admin data, characteristics, population data sources
Admin-based long-term international migration estimates QMI
Quality and Methodology Information for long-term international migration statistics, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.Keywords: emigration, population, HMRC, DWP, International Passenger Survey
Dynamic population model, improvements to data sources and methodology for local authorities, England and Wales: 2011 to 2022
Developments of methods and data used in the dynamic population modelKeywords: population