Published data related to income and wealth

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  • Wealth in Great Britain: quality indicators

    Standard error information for total mean, median and change of total wealth and its components.

  • Public opinions and social trends, Great Britain: Big Tech

    Attitudes towards Big Tech companies, including perceived risks and benefits and level of trust; indicators from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN).

  • Household debt: wealth in Great Britain

    Households that have liquidity problems and solvency problems only

  • Financial wealth: wealth in Great Britain

    The values of any financial assets held including both formal investments, such as bank or building society current or saving accounts, investment vehicles such as Individual Savings Accounts, endowments, stocks and shares, and informal savings.

  • Property wealth: wealth in Great Britain

    Respondents' self-valuation of any property owned, both their main residence plus any other land or property owned in the UK or abroad.

  • Pension wealth: wealth in Great Britain

    The value of any pension pots already accrued that are not state basic retirement or state earning related. This includes occupational pensions, personal pensions, retained rights in previous pensions and pensions in payment.

  • Total Wealth: Wealth in Great Britain

    Total wealth is the sum of the four components of wealth and is therefore net of all liabilities.

  • Physical wealth: wealth in Great Britain

    The (self-evaluated) value of household contents, possessions and valuables owned, such as antiques, artworks, collections and any vehicles owned by individuals (including the value of any personalised number plates).

  • Effects of taxes and benefits on household income

    Average annual incomes, taxes and benefits, and household characteristics of retired and non-retired households in the UK. Data for financial years, by quintile and decile groups, country and region and tenure type.

  • Effects of taxes and benefits on household income: historical person-level datasets

    Data on the effects of taxes and benefits on household income publication from 2001, including average incomes, taxes and benefits and household characteristics of all, retired and non-retired individuals and households in the UK by quintile and decile groups.