48 User requested data that are related to Marriage, cohabitation and civil partnerships , sorted by release date
CT0863_2011 Census
Church of England marriages by previous marital status, England, 2001 to 2015
Marriages by date, 1995 to 2015, England and Wales
CT0789_2011 Census: Age by residence type by marital and civil partnership status by sex: England and Wales
Religious marriages in England and Wales, 2004 to 2015
Proportions of women who had ever married by age 17 and by age 18, for grouped birth cohorts, 1976 to 1980 and 1994 to 1998 inclusive
Religious marriages by type of ceremony: opposite-sex couples marrying in 2014
Number of 16 and 17 year-olds entering into marriage in 2014 or civil partnership in 2016, England and Wales
CT0745_2011 Census - Country of birth by marital and civil partnership status - Nat to country
CT0744_2011 Census - Country of birth by marital and civil partnership status - Nat to country