All data related to Baby names in England and Wales: 2019

  • Baby names for boys in England and Wales

    Dataset | Released on 5 October 2022

    Rank and count of the top names for baby boys, changes in rank since the previous year and breakdown by country, region and month of birth.

    Keywords: babies, most popular, baby name, top names

  • Baby names for girls in England and Wales

    Dataset | Released on 5 October 2022

    Rank and count of the top names for baby girls, changes in rank since the previous year and breakdown by country, region and month of birth.

    Keywords: babies, most popular, baby name, top names

  • Baby names in England and Wales: from 1996

    Dataset | Released on 5 October 2022

    Ranks and counts of baby names for boys and girls in England and Wales, 1996 to 2021.

    Keywords: babies, most popular, baby names, top names, children

  • Top 100 baby names in England and Wales: historical data

    Dataset | Released on 15 August 2014

    Historic lists of top 100 names for baby boys and girls for 1904 to 1994 at 10-yearly intervals.

    Keywords: top,ten,bost,girls,most,popular