5 results , sorted by title
Civil partnership dissolutions
Civil partnership dissolutions which took place in England and Wales analysed by sex and quarter of occurrence.Keywords: dissolution, opposite sex, same sex, civil partnership
Divorces in England and Wales
Annual divorce numbers and rates, by duration of marriage, sex, to whom granted, and reason.Keywords: same-sex, opposite-sex, marriage
Divorces in England and Wales by age at and duration of marriage and cohort analyses: historical data
Ages of husband and wife at marriage, and analyses of the percentage of marriages ending in divorce by year of marriage and anniversary, and proportions of men and women who had ever divorced by year of birth and age.Keywords: decree absolute, decree nisi, annulment, fact proven, dissolution
Divorces in England and Wales by age, marital status before marriage and reason: historical data
Number of couples divorcing, divorce numbers and rates by age of husband and wife, and marital status before marriage.Keywords: decree absolute, decree nisi, dissolution, annulment, fact proven
Divorces in England and Wales, children of divorced couples: historical data
Number and age of children in families where the parents divorce.Keywords: decree absolute, decree nisi, dissolution, fact proven, annulment