9 publications that are related to Armed forces community , sorted by release date
The labour market status of UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Latest release)
UK armed forces veterans labour market variables by personal characteristics. Includes data on employment status, qualifications, employment industry and occupation.Keywords: economic activity, hours worked, spouses
Suicides in UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales: 2021 (Latest release)
Suicide rates among UK armed forces veterans, based on death registration records linked to Census 2021 and the Ministry of Defence (MOD) Service Leavers Database (SLD). These are official statistics in development.Keywords: armed services, soldiers, army, navy, mortality
Veterans’ Survey 2022, demographic overview and coverage analysis, UK: December 2023 (Latest release)
Coverage and sample bias analysis of the Veterans’ Survey 2022, with weighted estimates for veteran responses in the UK by personal characteristics.Keywords: UK armed forces, rank, service, health, loneliness
UK armed forces veterans, health and unpaid care, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Latest release)
UK armed forces veterans and their family members from Census 2021: self-reported general health, disability and unpaid care by personal characteristics.Keywords: Spouses, children, Deprivation, ethnicity, sexual orientation
Feasibility research on producing UK armed forces veteran statistics for England and Wales: 2021 (Latest release)
Feasibility research on producing statistics on the population who have previously served in the UK armed forces in England and Wales using the Service Leavers Database and Census 2021.Keywords: administrative data, transformation, army
Living arrangements of UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Latest release)
Analysis of UK armed forces veteran population data from Census 2021, covering communal establishment and household characteristics, household composition and family status.Keywords: care homes, prisons, families, children, spouses
Characteristics of UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Latest release)
UK armed forces veteran population from Census 2021 data, includes population age, where people were born, religion, ethnic group, legal partnership status and general health.Keywords: service, nationality, personal characteristics, non-veterans, sexual orientation
UK armed forces veterans, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Latest release)
UK armed forces veterans population who have either previously served in the regular forces, reserve forces or both, Census 2021 data.Keywords: armed services, servicemen, service members, local authorities, regions
UK armed forces veterans data, England and Wales: Census 2021 (Latest release)
Datasets on the topic of UK armed forces veterans and supporting information.