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  • Public sector employment

    Dataset | Released on 11 June 2024

    Quarterly estimates of UK and regional public sector employment, made up of central government, local government, and public corporations.

    Keywords: full-time equivalents, pse, civil service, local government, headcount

  • Public sector employment time series

    Dataset | Dataset ID: PSE | Released on 11 June 2024

    Seasonally adjusted and non-seasonally adjusted quarterly time series of UK public sector employment, containing the latest estimates.

    Keywords: headcount, full-time equivalents, pse, civil service, local government

  • Annex A: Sexual orientation and religious beliefs

    Dataset | Released on 3 August 2018

    Annual data on Civil Service employment in the UK, by sexual orientation and religion or belief.

    Keywords: civil, servants, sexual, orientation, religion

  • Civil Service statistics data summary tool

    Dataset | Released on 3 August 2018

    An interactive tool allowing users to compare government departments and the Civil Service average, including the split between men and women, full-time and part-time employees, permanent and temporary appointments and regional analysis.

    Keywords: public sector, employment, government employees, earnings, gender, ethnicity

  • Civil Service statistics

    Dataset | Released on 3 August 2018

    Annual data on Civil Service employment in the UK, including gender, ethnicity, disability status, earnings and location of the Civil Service workforce. This dataset has now been transferred to the Cabinet Office.

    Keywords: public sector, employment, government employees, earnings, gender, ethnicity

  • Annex B: Median pay

    Dataset | Released on 3 August 2018

    Annual data on Civil Service employment in the UK, showing the relationship between the salary of the highest-paid employee and median salary of all employees for each department. 

    Keywords: civil, servants, median, pay