54 publications that are related to Earnings and working hours , sorted by release date
Earnings and employment from Pay As You Earn Real Time Information, UK: September 2024 (Latest release)
Monthly estimates of payrolled employees and their pay from HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC’s) Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Real Time Information (RTI) data. This is a joint release between HMRC and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). These are official statistics in development.Keywords: calendarisation, wages, pay settlement, growth
Ethnicity pay gaps, UK: 2012 to 2022 (Latest release)
Earnings statistics for different ethnic groups, using regression analysis to provide more insight into factors that affect pay, using data from the Annual Population Survey over the time period 2012 to 2022.Keywords: earnings, pay, income, ethnic group
The HMRC and ONS response to the OSR review of statistics on earnings and employment from Pay As You Earn Real Time Information: November 2023 (Latest release)
HMRC and the ONS’s response to the OSR’s review of statistics on earnings and employment from PAYE Real Time Information published in June 2023.Keywords: employees, RTI, PAYE, calendarisation, wages
Gender pay gap in the UK: 2023 (Latest release)
Differences in pay between women and men by age, region, full-time and part-time, and occupation.Keywords: UK Labour Market, Wages, Earnings, employment, Economy
Employee earnings in the UK: 2023 (Latest release)
Measures of employee earnings, using data from the Annual Survey for Hours and Earnings (ASHE).Keywords: region, age, sex, wages, pay
Low and high pay in the UK: 2023 (Latest release)
The distribution of hourly earnings of high-paid and low-paid jobs and jobs paid below the National Minimum Wage.Keywords: ASHE, low pay, distribution, income inequalities, furlough
Analysis of wage and price increases, UK: 2011 to 2023 (Latest release)
Analysis of the relationship between recent wage and price increases, in selected industry sectors.Keywords: inflation, labour share, pass-through, wages, Prices
Pay As You Earn, Real Time Information payrolled employees by nationality and region: March 2023 (Latest release)
Estimates of Pay As You Earn, Real Time Information employees by nationality and geographical region (NUTS1) from July 2014 to December 2022. Experimental Statistics.Keywords: employees, RTI, PAYE, calendarisation, wages
Professional and scientific industry the only one where pay continues to match rising prices (Latest release)
Article exploring how wage growth in different industries compares with rising pricesKeywords: wages, earnings, weekly earnings, inflation, industry, uk, prices
Measures of employee earnings based on SOC 2020, UK: 2021 (Latest release)
Comparison of measures of employee earnings using data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings based on Standard Occupation Classification 2020.Keywords: region, age, sex, wages, pay