Corrections and notices


23 October 2023

Because of processing issues, the calculation of the statistical discrepancy of net lending (+) and net borrowing (-) between financial and capital accounts was not calculated correctly for the time period 1987 to 1997 in the Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2023 release. This has now been rectified and the tables and data are now available. The series affected are as follows.

  • NYVK: United Kingdom (S1)

  • NYOY: Financial corporations except monetary financial institutions and insurance corporations and pension funds (S124 to S127)

  • NYPB: Insurance corporations and pension funds (S128 & S129)

  • NYOX: Financial corporations (S12)

  • NZDW: Central government (S1311)

  • NYOZ: General government (S13)

  • NYPA: Households (S14)

  • NYPH: Non-profit institutions serving households (S15)

  • NZDV: Households and Non-profit institutions serving households (S14 and S15)

All series are £million. current price, not seasonally adjusted

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


07 December 2023

From 22 December 2023 (Quarter 3 (July to September) 2023 release) the UKEA will be published as a single reference table, which will contain all data previously published as individual sectors. This combined reference table workbook will be published as the UK Economic Accounts: UKEA dataset.

  • Official Statistics logo
  • Release date:
    29 September 2023
  • Next release:
    22 December 2023

About this Dataset

Quarterly flow of funds, financial account and balance sheet data for the UK economy by institutional sector.

Edition in this dataset

Current edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Contact details for this dataset

Michael Rizzo
+44 1633 456366

Publications that use this data