109 Datasets that are related to UK sector accounts , sorted by release date
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G20 - data gaps initiative (DGI) requirement II.7 securities data tables
This is experimental nominal and market data required by the International Monetary Fund to cover debt securities issued by the UK. These tables have been produced jointly with the Bank of England. The disaggregate series are experimental due to the ongoing programme of work to improve sectoral data sources.Keywords: Debt Securities, International
Quarterly sector accounts
Quarterly aggregate economic indicators and summary estimates for the private non-financial corporations and households sectors of the UK economy, and revisions.Keywords: RHDI, real household disposable income, Saving ratio, UKEA, UK Economic Accounts, financial accounts
UK Economic Accounts time series
Quarterly estimates of national product, income and expenditure, sector accounts and balance of payments.Keywords: Real household disposable income, saving ratio, sector accounts, UKEA, RHDI, financial accounts
UK Economic Accounts
Quarterly estimates of national product, income and expenditure, sector accounts and balance of payments.Keywords: saving ratio, sector accounts, UKEA, RHDI
The UK national balance sheet time series
Annual estimates of the market value of financial and non-financial assets for the UK, providing a measure of the nation's wealth.Keywords: investments, dwellings, land, national wealth, net worth
Preliminary capital stocks and fixed capital consumption
Annual estimates of gross and net capital stocks and consumption of fixed capital in the UK, in current prices and chained volume measures.Keywords: nation's wealth, net, gross, consumption
Perpetual inventory method (PIM) inputs
Input files to the perpetual inventory method (PIM) code. Data are consistent with our Capital stocks and fixed capital consumption dataset released on 13 June 2024.Keywords: consumption, fixed asset, UK economy, national accounts, sector accounts
Capital stocks and fixed capital consumption time series
Annual estimates of the value and types of non-financial assets used in the production of goods or services within the UK economy and their loss in value over time.Keywords: national income, physical capital, fixed assets, depreciation, cap stock
Preliminary UK national balance sheet estimates
Annual estimates of the market value of financial and non-financial assets for the UK, providing a measure of the nation's wealth.Keywords: nation's wealth, net, gross, consumption
Other financial institutions’ financial balance sheet statistics
Balance sheet statistics for other financial institutions (OFIs), quarterly data. OFIs is the second-largest UK financial grouping by assets, after banking. These are official statistics in development.Keywords: financial services survey, debt, deposits, equity, loans