8 methodology , sorted by release date
Methodology changes in the UK Tourism Satellite Account (UK-TSA): 2020
An overview of challenges faced and methods used to produce the UK Tourism Satellite Account: 2020.Keywords: Expenditure, COVID-19, inbound, outbound
User guide to consumer trends
Overview of the Consumer trends, UK bulletin, which presents comprehensive estimates of household final consumption expenditure, constructed to conform to the European System of Accounts 2010 and the classification of individual consumption by purpose.Keywords: household spending, personal expenditure, spending per head, COICOP, HHFCE, imputed rental
Definitions and conventions for UK household final consumption expenditure
The statistical presentation of household final consumption expenditure (HHFCE) in consumer trends, including the concepts, coverage and definitions used. More detail is available in National Accounts Concepts, Sources and Methods, particularly Chapter 22 and the related annex.Keywords: HHFCE, glossary, dictionary, household spending
UK Tourism Satellite Account methodology guide: 2017
Methodology and data source information relating to the UK Tourism Satellite Account: 2017.Keywords: TSA, expenditure, employment, direct gross value added, TDGVA
Quality assurance of administrative data used in consumer trends statistics: September 2019
An assessment of administrative data sources for consumer trends estimates, including household final consumption expenditure (HHFCE) estimates.Keywords: QAAD
Consumer trends QMI
Quality and Methodology Information for consumer trends and household final consumption expenditure in the UK, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.Keywords: household spending, personal expenditure, spending per head, classification of individual consumption by purpose, COICOP, HHFCE
Measuring tourism locally 2011
Economic value of tourism: Guidance Note 1: Definitions of tourism (Version 2, 2012)