National accounts at a glance (6.3 MB, xls)
Summary, inclusive of commentary and key data stories, of the 2017 UK National Accounts including gross domestic product (GDP), gross final expenditure, gross national income (GNI) and chained volume measures.
The industrial analysis (5.2 MB, xls)
Analysis of the 10 broad industrial groups in the 2017 UK National Accounts, gross value added (GVA) and summary input-output supply and use tables.
Non-financial corporations (1.3 MB, xls)
Public and private sector non-financial corporations estimates in the 2017 UK National Accounts.
Financial corporations (5.7 MB, xls)
Monetary financial institutions (MFI), insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPFs) and financial corporations estimates in the 2017 UK National Accounts.
General government (1.4 MB, xls)
General, central and local government estimates in the 2017 UK National Accounts.
Households and non-profit institutions serving households (1.6 MB, xls)
Gross disposable income (GDI) and household saving ratios for households (as consumers and producers) and NPISHs in the 2017 UK National Accounts.
Rest of the world (962.6 kB, xls)
Economic interactions of institutions or individuals not resident in the UK with resident units in the 2017 UK National Accounts.
Gross fixed capital formation (885.8 kB, xls)
Estimate of net capital expenditure (acquisitions less the proceeds from disposals) on fixed assets by both the public and private sectors in the 2017 UK National Accounts.
National balance sheet (1.1 MB, xls)
Measure of the wealth or total net worth of the UK, estimated market value of financial assets and non-financial assets in the 2017 UK National Accounts.
Public sector supplementary tables (844.3 kB, xls)
The main taxes and social contributions payable by UK residents to UK central and local government and the European Union in the 2017 UK National Accounts.
Statistics for European Union purposes (89.6 kB, xls)
2017 UK National Accounts data used by the European Union (EU) for administrative and economic purposes.
UK Environmental Accounts (958.5 kB, xls)
Environmental accounts including natural capital accounts, physical flow accounts and monetary accounts estimates in the 2017 UK National Accounts.
Flow of funds (1.1 MB, xls)
The flow of funds (FoF) in the 2017 UK National Accounts measures financial flows across the economy, from sectors that source capital, through intermediaries to sectors that use it to acquire assets.
Table I.1: Synoptic presentation of the accounts, balancing items and main aggregates (39.9 kB, xls)
Table 2.1a: Summary supply and use tables 2012 (68.1 kB, xls)
Table 2.1b: Summary supply and use tables 2013 (68.1 kB, xls)
Table 2.1c: Summary supply and use tables 2014 (68.1 kB, xls)
Table 2.1d: Summary supply and use tables 2015 (68.1 kB, xls)
Tables: A, B and C (868.9 kB, xls)
Table A provides a summary of revisions since Blue Book, 2016 edition. Table B highlights the sector accounts key economic indicators and Table C details the statistical adjustments at sector level.
Blue Book 2017 change matrix (4.6 MB, xls)
Provides details of the changes to each of the Blue Book tables.
Related data
UK National Accounts, The Blue Book time series
Datasets for each of the chapters in The Blue Book 2023 including the national accounts at a glance, financial and non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households and summary supply and use tables.
Contact details for these datasets
Telephone: +44 (0)1633 455190
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