All data related to Autumn statement: Supplementary fiscal aggregates: 2016
This methodology paper defines PSND ex BoE and PSNFL and explains the coverage of the aggregates and, in broad terms, what they represent
Table C2 shows a detailed quarterly time series for the measures presented in Table C1.
Table D2 shows a detailed quarterly time series for the measures presented in Table D1.
Table E1 presents a breakdown of public sector net financial liabilities excluding public sector banks (PSNFL ex), by government sector.
Table F1 reconciles public sector net debt excluding public sector banks (PSND ex) to the public sector net financial liabilities excluding public sector banks (PSNFL ex) measure.
Table F2 reconciles public sector net borrowing excluding public sector banks (PSNB ex) to changes in the public sector net financial liabilities excluding public sector banks (PSNFL ex) measure.