88 data results that are related to Productivity measures , sorted by release date
Estimated labour productivity gaps, selected OECD countries, 2016
Industry level deflators (experimental), UK, 1997 Q1 (Jan to Mar) to 2018 Q2 (Apr to June)
Firm-level labour productivity estimates from the Annual Business Survey (ABS): distributional statistics by percentile and year, 2006 to 2015, Great Britain
Firm-level labour productivity estimates from the Annual Business Survey (ABS), 2010 to 2016, Great Britain
Cumulative distribution of labour productivity across businesses, Great Britain, 2016
UK trade in goods and productivity
Summary statistics of trade firm microdata characteristics from linked survey-trade in goods administrative data.Keywords: exports, imports, business performance
Further analysis of labour productivity and trade in goods status: Great Britain, 2008 to 2016
Descriptive statistics of the distribution of real firm-level productivity, Great Britain, 2003 to 2015
Average management practice score for comparable questions from the Management Practices Survey and Management Expectations Survey by firm ownership type, Great Britain, 2015 and 2016
HMRC trade in goods transactions dataset preliminary statistics, 2008 to 2016