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CG: Current receipts: Taxes on income and wealth, receivable: £m
CG: Total expenditure: £m CPNSA
CG: Net cash requirement (own account): Cash receipts: Income tax: £m CPNSA
Public sector gross debt (excl public sector banks and BoE): British government securities: £m CP NSA
LG: Net lending to private sector and Rest of World: £m CPNSA
CG: Net cash requirement: Cash outlays: Interest payments: £m CPNSA
Public Sector: Asset: Dwellings: (AN.111): £m: CP: NSA
CG: Corporation Tax (gross of tax credits): £m: NSA
GG: Net cash requirement / market and overseas borrowing: £m CPNSA
CG: Current Receipts: Taxes receivable: £m CPNSA