Released on: 12 April 2016
User requested data
Released on: 17 July 2018
User requested data
Released on: 07 March 2022
Quality and Methodology Information for avoidable mortality in the UK, detailing the strengths and limitations of these data, methods used and data uses and users.
Released on: 28 March 2022
Quality and Methodology Information (QMI) report for socioeconomic inequalities in avoidable mortality, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.
Released on: 13 July 2012
Released on: 20 December 2022
Quality, methodology and comparability information for data used to calculate excess all-cause mortality for the UK, its constituent countries and European countries and their regions as reported in Comparisons of all-cause mortality between European countries and regions. Includes methodology for calculating measures of excess mortality, quality of the data sources, comparability of the measures and how to interpret the data.
Released on: 23 May 2023
Statistical bulletin
Provisional death registration data for England and Wales, broken down by sex, age and country. Includes deaths due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and leading causes of death.
Released on: 20 January 2023
Statistical bulletin
Provisional death registration data for England and Wales, broken down by sex, age and country. Includes deaths due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and leading causes of death.
Released on: 21 October 2022
Statistical bulletin
Provisional death registration data for England and Wales, broken down by sex, age and country. Includes deaths due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and leading causes of death.
Released on: 23 February 2022
Statistical bulletin
Provisional death registration data for England and Wales, broken down by sex, age and country. Includes deaths due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and leading causes of death.