Released on: 28 February 2019
Analysis of the number of people who have never done paid work by their current reason for not working, including breakdowns by age and gender.
Released on: 01 October 2021
Individual and labour market characteristics of people who have been furloughed. Experimental statistics using data from the Labour Force Survey (UK) and Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (Great Britain) to understand the labour market flows of people who have been furloughed; summary statistics and model results.
Released on: 01 October 2021
Skill set of people who have been furloughed: the types of skills furloughed workers think they are good at, would like to improve for their career and use in their current job. Experimental statistics using data from the Labour Force Survey (UK) and Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (Great Britain) to understand the labour market flows of people who have been furloughed; summary statistics and model results.
Released on: 27 November 2024
Quarterly and historical data on UK households where all members have never worked.
Released on: 22 February 2019
Estimates of the number of children born in England and Wales who have experienced the death of their mother before they reach age 16 years. Data are taken from the Longitudinal Study.
Released on: 08 January 2025
Sample information for qualitative research on women who have survived domestic abuse and their accommodation experiences in England.
Released on: 01 October 2021
Labour market flows of people who have been furloughed. Experimental statistics using data from the Labour Force Survey (UK) and Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (Great Britain) to understand the individual and labour market characteristics of people who have been furloughed; summary statistics and model results.
Released on: 27 November 2024
Quarterly and historical data on people living in UK households where all members have never worked.
Released on: 27 November 2024
Quarterly and historical data on children living in UK households where all members have never worked.
Released on: 15 January 2024
This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify households in England and Wales by the number of people in the household who have previously served in the UK armed forces. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.
Following analysis after publishing topic summaries data, we released data at extra geography levels for some datasets.