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  • Deaths registered in England and Wales

    Released on: 01 July 2022 | Statistical bulletin

    Registered deaths by age, sex, selected underlying causes of death and the leading causes of death. Contains death rates and death registrations by area of residence and single year of age.

  • Deaths registered in England and Wales

    Released on: 13 July 2016 | Statistical bulletin

    Annual data on death registrations contains death rates, cause of death data by sex and age and death registrations by area of residence and single year of age.

  • Deaths registered in England and Wales

    Released on: 06 July 2021 | Statistical bulletin

    Registered deaths by age, sex, selected underlying causes of death and the leading causes of death. Contains death rates and death registrations by area of residence and single year of age.

  • Deaths Registered in England and Wales

    Released on: 15 July 2015 | Statistical bulletin

    Deaths, stillbirths and infant mortality including death rates, causes, age, and area of residence.

  • Deaths involving MRSA in Wales

    Released on: 03 September 2014 | Statistical bulletin

    Deaths where Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was mentioned on the death certificate by sex, age group and whether the death occured in hospital or elsewhere.

  • Deaths due to coronavirus (COVID-19) compared with deaths from influenza and pneumonia, England and Wales

    Released on: 08 October 2020 | Statistical bulletin

    Comparison of deaths from the coronavirus (COVID-19) with deaths from influenza (flu) and pneumonia. Includes deaths by date of death occurrence and breakdowns by sex and age.

  • Alcohol-specific deaths in the UK

    Released on: 02 February 2021 | Statistical bulletin

    Deaths caused by diseases known to be a direct consequence of alcohol misuse by sex, age, region and deprivation.

  • Alcohol-specific deaths in the UK

    Released on: 07 November 2017 | Statistical bulletin

    Deaths in the UK that are known to be direct consequences of alcohol misuse, such as alcoholic liver disease.

  • Unexplained deaths in infancy, England and Wales

    Released on: 17 August 2017 | Statistical bulletin

    Annual data on sudden infant deaths in England and Wales and infant deaths for which the cause remained unascertained after a full investigation, with associated risk factors.

  • Deaths involving MRSA: England and Wales

    Released on: 22 August 2012 | Statistical bulletin

    Deaths where Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was mentioned on the death certificate by sex, age group and whether the death occured in hospital or elsewhere.