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  • Workless households for regions across the UK

    Released on: 20 October 2022 | Statistical bulletin

    Annual information at a local level about households and the adults and children living in them, by their economic activity status.

  • Workless households for regions across the UK

    Released on: 19 October 2021 | Statistical bulletin

    Annual information at a local level about households and the adults and children living in them, by their economic activity status.

  • Workless Households for Regions across the UK

    Released on: 04 September 2013 | Statistical bulletin

    UK households in which no-one aged 16 or over is in employment, focusing on regional differences and the reasons why people living in workless households are not working.

  • Workless households for regions across the UK

    Released on: 01 August 2018 | Statistical bulletin

    Annual information at a local level about households and the adults and children living in them, by their economic activity status.

  • Workless Households for Regions across the UK

    Released on: 06 October 2015 | Statistical bulletin

    UK households in which no-one aged 16 or over is in employment, focusing on regional differences and the reasons why people living in workless households are not working.

  • Workless households for regions across the UK

    Released on: 29 July 2020 | Statistical bulletin

    Annual information at a local level about households and the adults and children living in them, by their economic activity status.

  • Workless households for regions across the UK

    Released on: 31 July 2019 | Statistical bulletin

    Annual information at a local level about households and the adults and children living in them, by their economic activity status.

  • Workless households for regions across the UK

    Released on: 26 July 2017 | Statistical bulletin

    Provides annual information at a local level about households and the adults and children living in them, by their economic activity status. Differences within UK nations and regions are highlighted.

  • Workless Households for Regions across the UK

    Released on: 06 November 2014 | Statistical bulletin

    UK households in which no-one aged 16 or over is in employment, focusing on regional differences and the reasons why people living in workless households are not working.

  • Workless households for regions across the UK

    Released on: 28 September 2023 | Statistical bulletin

    Annual information at a local level about households and the adults and children living in them, by their economic activity status.