
Consumer card spending, flow of spending across the UK: 2019 to 2023

Released: 25 March 2024 12:00pm
Next release: To be announced


Analysis of consumer card spending trends covering where UK cardholders are spending money. This analysis shows consumer spending habits on a local level, by publishing a dataset showing where consumers originated from for merchants at every postal district across the UK.


  • Consumer card spending, flow of spending across the UK: 2019 to 2023

    Analysis of consumer card spending trends covering where UK cardholders are spending money. This analysis shows consumer spending habits on a local level, by publishing a dataset showing where consumers originated from for merchants at every postal district across the UK.

Contact details


Card Payments Team



+44 1633 455396

Changes to this release date

  1. Previous date

    25 March 2024 9:30am

    Reason for change

    Publication delayed due to technical issues.

  2. Previous date

    25 March 2024 12:30pm

    Reason for change

    Publication delayed due to technical issues.