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7339 results

  1. Comparison of post-tabular statistical disclosure control methods
    Release date: 3 May 2024 9:30am | Published
  2. Business insights and impact on the UK economy: 2 May 2024
    Release date: 2 May 2024 9:30am | Published
  3. Economic activity and social change in the UK, real-time indicators: 2 May 2024
    Release date: 2 May 2024 9:30am | Published
  4. Business demography, quarterly, UK: January to March 2024
    Release date: 2 May 2024 9:30am | Published
  5. Update on Transformation of Research and Development Statistics: May 2024
    Release date: 1 May 2024 9:30am | Published
  6. Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional: week ending 19 April 2024
    Release date: 1 May 2024 9:30am | Published
  7. Material flows and material footprint accounts, UK: 2024
    Release date: 1 May 2024 9:30am | Published
  8. UK government debt and deficit: December 2023
    Release date: 30 April 2024 9:30am | Published
  9. Exploring the use of admin data to derive small area income estimates
    Release date: 30 April 2024 9:30am | Published
  10. Economic statistics sector classification - classification update and forward work plan: April 2024
    Release date: 30 April 2024 9:30am | Published