FOI Ref: FOI/2023/4758

You asked

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:

Details of UK-Newport: Splunk Enterprise (2022-2025) tender.

  1. Copy of successful tender.

  2. Final pricing of successful bidder.

  3. Expiry date of the awarded contract.

  4. Approximate date that the tender will be reissued towards the end of the current contract period.

  5. How many bidders submitted responses?

  6. Name of all bidders who submitted responses.

  7. Rank of all bidders who submitted responses I would prefer to receive the information electronically.

We said

​Thank you for your enquiry requesting details of UK-Newport: Splunk Enterprise (2022-2025) tender.

1. Copy of successful tender.

This was procured through the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM1557.12 -- G-Cloud 12. The framework does not allow for a formal tender but to down select service offerings against a Statement of Requirements (SOR).

2. Final pricing of successful bidder

Contract Award Value - £1,700,000

3. Expiry date of the awarded contract.

31/07/2025 (two years with an option to an extend for a period of up to a further 12 months)

4. Approximate date that the tender will be reissued towards the end of the current contract period.

Approximately April 2025

5. How many bidders submitted responses?


6. Name of all bidders who submitted responses.

Somerford Associates Limited

7. Rank of all bidders who submitted responses I would prefer to receive the information electronically.

One bid received