
10 January 2019

Household projections for England Table 401 (Household projections, United Kingdom, mid-1961 to mid-2041) has been updated to include the latest, 2016-based, household projections for Northern Ireland, which were published on 6 December 2018. Figures for the United Kingdom have also been updated as a result.

  • Official Statistics logo
  • Release date:
    29 June 2020
  • Next release:
    April to May 2025

About this Dataset

Household projections for England, by region and local authority. Formerly referred to as live tables on household projections. The 2018-based projections are the most recent available.

Edition in this dataset

2018-based: Principal projection edition of this dataset

2018-based: Principal projection (2019 geographies) edition of this dataset

2018-based: Variants edition of this dataset

2016-based edition of this dataset Principal projection

Previous versions of this data are available.

2016-based: Variants edition of this dataset

Contact details for this dataset

Andrew Nash
+44 (0)1329 444661