Corrections and notices


20 September 2023

We have corrected an error in the Adult smoking habits in Great Britain dataset in Tables 1b, 2b and 3b. The previous version indicated that these numbers were referring to the year 2021. It should have read 2022. There was no error in the data itself, only the heading and labelling of the year.


21 June 2024

There was a minor error in the coding used to produce some tables in the Adult smoking habits in Great Britain 2022 dataset, specifically the 2022 estimates for Tables 4, 5 and 6. The error also affects the corresponding confidence intervals in Table 7. The corrected version will be available in the 2023 edition of the dataset.

About this Dataset

Annual data on the proportion of adults in Great Britain who smoke cigarettes, cigarette consumption, the proportion who have never smoked cigarettes and the proportion of smokers who have quit by sex and age over time.

Edition in this dataset

2022 edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

2021 edition of this dataset

2020 edition of this dataset

2019 edition of this dataset

2018 edition of this dataset

2017 edition of this dataset

2016 edition of this dataset

2015 edition of this dataset

1974-2014 edition of this dataset