
26 September 2017

An error occurred in our estimation of local government net borrowing for the period January 2016 to June 2017, which did not include updated estimates of intermediate consumption. We have corrected this error, which also feeds through into the overall public sector borrowing. The effect is of the correction is to reduce borrowing by £89m in 201516, by £568m in 201617 and by £142m in 201718 year-to-date.

We have also identified a small error in the reporting of central government net investment components between April 2013 and July 2017. The error was limited to Table PSA6F and correcting it has had no impact on either central government net investment or net borrowing.

You can see all previous versions of these data on the previous versions page.

ONS apologises for any inconvenience.

  • Official Statistics logo
  • Release date:
    21 September 2017
  • Next release:
    20 October 2017

About this Dataset

Presents the effect of the Blue Book 2017 changes on public sector net borrowing, with individual analysis on central and local government and public corporations.

Edition in this dataset

August 2017 edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Contact details for this dataset

Fraser Munro
+44 (0)1633 456402