
01 November 2022

An error was made in the calculation of agricultural employment estimates in Scotland. These data have now been corrected. ONS apologises for any inconvenience.

  • Official Statistics logo
  • Release date:
    25 October 2023
  • Next release:
    17 October 2024

About this Dataset

Annual employee and employment estimates for Great Britain and UK split by broad industry group Standard Industrial Classification: SIC 2007. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.

Edition in this dataset

2022 (provisional) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2021 (revised) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

  • (xlsx, 29.2 KB)

2021 (provisional) edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Supporting files you may find useful

2020 (revised) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2020 (provisional) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2019 (revised) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2019 (provisional) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2018 (revised) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2018 (provisional) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2017 (revised) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2017 (provisional) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2016 (revised) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2016 (provisional) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2015 (revised) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2015 (revised PAYE only units included) edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2015 edition of this dataset Provisional

2014 (revised) edition of this dataset

2014 (provisional) edition of this dataset

2013 (revised) edition of this dataset

2012 (revised) edition of this dataset

2011 (revised) edition of this dataset

2010 (revised with working owners adjustment) edition of this dataset

2010 (revised) edition of this dataset

2009 (revised) edition of this dataset

2008 (revised) edition of this dataset

Contact details for this dataset

Neil Hedges
+44 1633 456741

Publications that use this data