​FOI REF: FOI/2023/4812

You asked

I would like to know the cost to you to date of the COVID-19 Survey (CIS). The survey participant payment has been reduced by 50% in the 12 months that I have been answering the surveys. Has your payment to Oxford University has been reduced and by how much.

We said

Thank you for your request.

When CIS first started, participants that completed the enrolment visit were offered one £50 compensation payment, and one £25 compensation for each further visit. From 1 April 2022, the compensation each person received was permanently reduced from £25 to £20.

CIS funding reduced significantly for 22/23 and unfortunately this resulted in the reduction of compensation payments.

Oxford University are the study sponsors. ONS does not make any payment to Oxford University, this is a separate contract between UKHSA and the University.

From the start of the survey, 26 April 2020 to 30 January 2023, the total costs of compensation payments is £257,960,275.