Reference: FOI-2024-1916

You asked

I need a list of 100 most common surnames.

We said

Thank you for your freedom of information request. 

We retain name information, which is released to the National Archives in 100 years, however it is not used to produce statistics.  The collection of people's names is more an aid for the person completing the questionnaire so that they can make sure everyone is included and allocate the correct particulars to each household member. This is particularly important in the case of large households. The information also helps us make sure that the census only counts everyone once.

More recently, under conditions which ensure confidentiality is maintained, names have been used to allow limited Census data to be analysed in conjunction with other data; this allowed key questions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic to be answered.  

Names are also helpful when using the census to undertake genealogical research when the records are open after 100 years, however, this is not the prime purpose of the Census. 

To produce the statistics requested, we would need to create new information using statistical expertise and experience. Public authorities are not required to create new information in response to FOI requests. The information is therefore not held for FOI purposes.