
01 August 2023

We identified a weighting issue on our Opinions and Lifestyle Survey which resulted in some distributions of population totals presented in the 22 November to 18 December 2022 dataset not matching official population estimates published by ONS. This is limited to analysis based on pooling a number of waves of OPN data together.

This issue occurred because of a processing error and should not impact any future analysis.

This issue does not appear to affect rounded estimates or messages provided in the release or datasets. However, weighted population counts that are provided in these datasets should not be used. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

About this Dataset

Indicators from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) related to NHS waiting lists, with breakdowns by different population groups.

Edition in this dataset

18 October 2023 to 24 March 2024 edition of this dataset

18 October 2023 to 1 January 2024 edition of this dataset

15 to 26 February 2023 edition of this dataset

18 to 29 January 2023 edition of this dataset

22 November to 18 December 2022 edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Contact details for this dataset

GSS Coherence team
+44 3000 671543