All data related to Crime in England and Wales: year ending December 2022
Crime against households and adults using data from police recorded crime and the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).
Trends in uncapped estimates from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) by offence type. These estimates have been published for methodological purposes only. They will be subject to considerable volatility from year to year and are not the main measure of incident estimates from the CSEW. The main measure of incident estimates from the CSEW are capped at the 98th percentile and are available in Crime in England and Wales: Appendix tables.
Data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) on perceptions of the police, criminal justice system, crime and anti-social behaviour, and prevalence of intimate personal violence.
Recorded crime figures for CSP areas. Number of offences for the last two years, percentage change, and rates per 1,000 population for the latest year.
Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) and Home Office police recorded crime data, by quarterly time periods.
Crime Severity Score (CSS) data for police force areas and community safety partnerships, which equate in the majority of instances to local authorities. Includes a data tool to enable production of summary charts on trends and comparisons between areas.
Information from a new module of questions included in the Telephone-operated Crime Survey for England and Wales (TCSEW) around perceptions of crime, the police and anti-social behaviour during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, feelings of safety and experiences of harassment. Data on children’s online activity are also presented. These tables are no longer produced.
Recorded crime figures for Community Safety Partnerships which equates in the majority of instances to local authorities . The data are rolling 12 month totals, with data points shown at the end of each financial year between year ending March 2003 and year ending March 2007 and at the end of each quarter from June 2007. The data cover local authority boundaries from April 2009 onwards and local authority area names correspond to Community Safety Partnership areas.
Recorded crime for Police Force Areas. The data are rolling 12-month totals, with points at the end of each financial year between year ending March 2003 to March 2007 and at the end of each quarter from June 2007.
Recorded crime for Police Force Areas, including a pivot table. The data are rolling 12 month totals, with data points shown at the end of each financial year between year ending March 2003 and year ending March 2007 and at the end of each quarter from June 2007.
Estimates from Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) on fraud and computer misuse. Also data from Home Office police recorded crime on the number of online offences recorded by the police and Action Fraud figures broken down by police force area. These tables were formerly known as Experimental tables. Please note: This set of tables are no longer produced. All content previously released within these tables has, or will be, redistributed among other sets of tables.